
Senin, 20 September 2010

"Holistic Nursing Practice" ESSAY

Rizki Cintya Dewi
G2B 008 081

Holistic Nursing Practice

Being a nurse is a life choise. A nurse should devoted herself to care for and take care of patients without distinguishing them from any side. Nurses should be aware that the three potential of herself: head, heart, and hand is only a fantasy if not coupled with an attitude that absolutely needful, that is hard working. A nurse requires special skills and social concerns include intellectual skills, technical and personal, reflected in the behavior of "caring" or affection/love (Johnson, 1989). A nurse also has the functions and vital role in providing holistic nursing care to clients. Modality therapy can be intervention in holistic nursing practice. Innovative and visionary nurse will look at holistic nursing practice as an opportunity to improve the nursing profession as an ideal image of nurses.

Holistic concerned with wellness. The concept of holistic treatment combine between the concept of conventional western medicine with eastern medicine treatment. Holistic Nursing know mind, body, and spirit(soul) concept. This means that interventions to patients should include the whole of a human being consisting of the Mind (thoughts, ideas, viewpoints, philosophies, knowledge, etc) Body (including the human body anatomically, fisologis, pathological, etc.) and Spirit/Soul ( spirit, spiritual, religious, motivation, hope, affection, etc.) because basically, to be completely healthy dependent on the owner's body, rather than on doctors and medicines. So we should be able to communicate with our bodies, to be able to treat the body with more wisely. In this case, the communication skills of nurses are required to detect because when there is disharmony in the patient's body will show the signals.

In holistic nursing concept, adaptation theory of Sister Callista Roy can be used. This theory uses dynamic approach, it where nurse’s role in giving nursing care with facilitate capability of patients to do adaptation in face of basic requirement changes. The step planned with purpose to change stimulus and focused on individual capability for adaptation on stimulus. Whereas, the evaluation done with look patient’s capability in adaptation and prevent reappear the problem had been around. This adaptation capability include whole aspect: bio, phsyco and holistic. As nursing care giver, this holistic and adaptation concept is concept that should be perceivable by nurse in order that able to give grade nursing care for patients.

Appropriate step and intervention that nurse done would be very valuable to life of others, because the nurses saw man as a creature that whole: bio, psycho, socio, and spiritual. In holistic practices, nurses not only provide nursing care for patients with physical complaints but also observe mind and spirit of patients with complementary or alternative approach, that is more popular with “holistic nursing”. Previously nurses given therapy skills through certification. Therapeutic interventions provided using modalities such as hynoterapi, acupuncture, therapeutic touch with bio-energy approach, reiki, yoga, relaxation, music, recreation, massase, etc.

The development of medical world faster and faster also opens the knowledge of nursing profession. With increasing numbers of nurses both professional and konvensinal, and to build the image of the ideal nurse who intelligent, skilled and professional, then it is time for nurses no longer trapped in the conventional practices but also practices holistic. Nurses need to create innovation by making the practice of holistic nursing as a breakthrough. This will be a model for autonomous nursing services with a holistic approach and utilizing modern technologies and alternative and complementary therapies on the theory of evidence and clinical expertise of the team. So that nurses do not always depend on the job at the hospital. But, not all of doctor support this practice. It can be an obstacle in work world. To realize this, of course required adequate competence, the willingness of a large, and the seriousness of her own inner nurses and nurses who need skilled, intelligent, kind, communicative, and able to perform the role and function well in accordance with a code of ethics.

Gradually, people will be aware of the importance of "back to nature" life in the middle of this global warming, so that holistic nursing will be the breakthrough that will be very important and needed, especially for the advancement of nursing in order to improve the quality of health welfare of patients, because of weakness and disadvantages of each concept of the west and east will be complementary, with the approach of Back To Nature is more friendly with nature. For that, education should also start introducing holistic nursing as an essential part in nursing science, to prepare the students in face of the work world challenges in the era of globalization. Hopefully we can become professional nurses who can become role models for other nurses in bringing the ideal image of nurses in the public eye.

Viva for Indonesian nurses!

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